1.- SALUDOS: Hello, good morning. Deben responder a la pregunta:
HOW ARE YOU? - Fine, thank you.
Despedida: Bye, Bye. See you tomorrow. See you later.
2.- TIEMPO: Deben saber responder a la pregunta:
WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE? - It's sunny (rainy, cloudy, windy) - And cold / hot .
3.- PARTES DEL CUERPO: Deben saber el nombre de las partes del cuerpo:
Head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, chin, shoulders, arms, elbows, hands, fingers, legs, knees, ankles, feet, toes.
Responder a la pregunta: What's this? o What are these? con las partes del cuerpo.
4.- MATERIAL DE CLASE: Deben saber responder a la pregunta: What's this? o What are these? con los objetos de la clase: Pencil, crayon, marker, glue stick, scissors, table, chair, door, window.
5.- PROFESIONES: Conocer algunas profesiones: teacher, cook, cleaner, secretary, doctor, police officer.
6.- CLOTHES: Hat, jumper, T-shirt, scarf, coat, shorts, trousers, shoes, boots, gloves. Conocer la expresión: put your HAT on, / Take your HAT off
Responder a: What colour is this HAT?
Practicar con todas las prendas.
7.- NÚMEROS (1-20) Count from one to twenty.
8.- COLORES: red, blue, yellow, green, pink, orange, brown, purple.
Responder a: What colour is it?: It’s red...
9.- FORMAS: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval.
10.- ANIMALS: elephant, tiger, lion, snake, bird, crocodile...
Responder a la pregunta: What is it?
It is an orange tiger; It is a yellow lion...It is a brown elephant;
11.- FOOD:
- Candy, lollipops, cake, ice-cream, biscuit, chocolate.
- Tomato, potato, carrot.
- Fruits: apple, banana, strawberry, pear, orange, cherry, grapes.
- Sausages, hamburger, egg, fish.
- Cheese, yogurt.
- Milk, milkshake, juice, water.
Acciones: eat, drink, chew.
Responder a:
Do you like APPLES? Yes I do / No I don't
What's your favourite food?
What colour is it?
How many APPLES are there?
Practicar con todas las comidas.
Rooms: bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, garden.
Things in the house: door, window, bed, bath, toilet, sink, tap, sofa, table, chair, tv (telly), fridge.
Responder a las preguntas:
Where are you? I’m in the living room…
What are you doing? I’m watching tv…
Big / small / medium-sized
Tall / short.
Soft / hard.
Short / long
Vocabulario del aula:
- Listen. Listen to me. Listen to the teacher. Be quiet. Pay attention
- Look. Look at me. Look at the teacher.
- Sit down properly / stand up
- Raise your hand to speak and wait. Wait your turn
- Tidy up. Put the papers in the bin
- Point / touch
- Clap your hands
- Very good
- Can I go to the toilet, please?
- Thank you / You're welcome.
- Write your name. Colour the picture.